Sunday, 2 August 2009

Fond Memories

I was blog hopping earlier and came across a quilting blog which had this picture on it.

Now to you this may just be an old sewing machine, to me it was an image that brought back a host of happy memories. I was 15 and I wanted a sewing machine and believe it or not, this is the exact same as the one my father bought me. Now that may not seem so strange, except I was 15 years old in what I was really pining for was an electric sewing machine. After the initial shock wore off and the family had stopped laughing, I remembered the old singer sewing machine my mother had when I was little, much the same as this with a metal treadle that you worked with your feet to move the needle and I remembered all the lovely clothes that she made for us, using this old machine.....So I persevered and became quite adept at turning the handle and guiding the material. I made a lot of things using this old machine and was sad to see it go when the family moved house and there was no room for it.

Isn't it amazing how one old sewing machine brought back so many happy memories of both of my parents, who are sadly no longer with me.


Things Hand Made said...

My first sewing machine was not electric but it had a handle to wind. It was a desparate attempt by my mum to keep me off hers! Didn't work.....

Things Hand Made said...

PS. Any chance of that pumpkin cake recipe? if its not too cheeky!